Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Necessity of a Medical Marijuana License

If you're an Internet user, you might've already noticed that the phrase "Marijuana License" is used in two different meanings. The first one is referred to a Medical Marijuana Card that has to be possessed by a patient so that the latter one would be able to use medical marijuana legally. And the second meaning is referred to the marijuana license, by which a medical marijuana dispensary, clinic, or card registration company should be certified with.

Now, both are critical: one for patients, the other – for enterprises and services. We'll take a closer look at the general situation, which will be useful for both parties.

At first, let's take a look at the marijuana license, which is an actual legal permission for a clinic, dispensary, and so on to provide services in medical marijuana niche. If you are an entrepreneur and you want to help people by providing medical marijuana treatment services, whether the actual treatment, recommendation, care-giving, plant growing, etc., your enterprise will be considered illegal and you will be subject to the federal law, which will demand you to pay enormous penalties and could be even arrested and imprisoned for several years. In order to get a marijuana license, the responsible person should contact the state and county Department of Health and Environment and learn about the procedures that have to be maintained for further activity in the medical marijuana field.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog.It's really very informative. I want to know more about this in future.
